A film located in that part of the psyche where mankind
revolts against God and Death
Soon to be released, a three part epic like
no other Dracula film before it.
Aslog Von Ros, Dracula The Messiah Two-Cities Films by Gregory Motton
Official Trailer
of Dracula
The Messiah
Part One
Two-Cities Films
Dracula The Messiah
Part One, of which this is the trailer, is called "Dracula And The Daughter Of Satan" is due to be released
in January.
Part Two is called
Dracula The Seducer
Part Three is called Dracula The Destroyer

Parts two and three will be released in the Spring of 2020
mick ford in Dracula the Messiah by Two-Cities Films
and Starring
Mick Ford as Dr.Van
Philip Blair as
This is Åslög Von Ros,
who plays the simpleton
and prostitute who
believes herself to be
Satan's Daughter

Guess who she is
related to....!

Click here to find out!